Police Vetting
All caregiver/adult helpers must be Police vetted by Campbells Bay School to attend school trips and manage/coach teams. Once you have been vetted, it is valid for 3 years.
Police vetting must be done by Campbells Bay School, vets from other institutions/organisations are not valid and cannot be shared.
Police vetting needs to be done in advance of the trip/event as it can take some time to process at NZ Police.
For more information please email admin@campbellsbay.school.nz
If you would like to be a volunteer at Campbells Bay School, please complete all sections of the attached form and return
it to the school office.
We must also receive two forms of ID (one from the primary IDs and one from the secondary IDs listed below).
Primary ID:
Passport (NZ or Overseas)
NZ Full Birth Certificate
NZ Citizen Certificate
NZ Certificate of Identity
Secondary ID:
NZ Drivers licence
NZ 18+ card
Community Services Card
Inland Revenue Number
NZ Employee Photo ID Card
Please note at least one of these must contain a photo.
Evidence of name change: If your two identity documents have different names, evidence of a name change must be sighted such as marriage certificate or statutory declaration.
Overseas Passport: If you do not hold a NZ or Australian Passport, we will require of copy of your Visa or Permit. Please write your child’s name and your email address on the back of the police vet form and bring this, together with your original forms of identification into the school office to enable us to complete a visual verification.
Please note a police vet remains current for three years after the date of issue by the police.
The application will then be made online to the NZ Police and may take 4 to 6 weeks for a result to be received. We will email you when a result from this application has been received by the school. All applicants with satisfactory vet results will be posted on a school document accessible to teachers, management and sports personnel.
Should a police vet produce a result that is cause for concern the applicant will be notified, in confidence, by the principal. They will not be posted in the document accessible to teachers etc. Only the principal and the designated person in the school office will be aware of any police vets that are of concern and will be kept strictly confidential. Please note that ‘of concern’ would be information contained in a police vet that would indicate any form of risk to children.