Mathematics at Campbells Bay School encourages students to connect as deep thinkers and explore creative ways to access learning across all strands of the New Zealand Mathematics Curriculum. Our students are mathematicians, problems solvers, architects, statisticians and more on an every day basis. They are challenged by their teacher and their peers to build on core knowledge and use this to solve authentic problems. Below are some of the core components of teaching and learning Mathematics at Campbells Bay School.

Problem Solving Approach
Our students engage in regular problem solving challenges, applying knowledge from across the core mathematics strands. By integrating the strands our students are able to explore authentic problems and deepen their understanding.

Talk Moves
Teachers encourage students to share their thinking using a strategy known as 'Talk Moves'. This simple questioning technique engages the learner by challenging them to participate and engage with mathematical content and reasoning.

Effective Teaching of Mathematics
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Maths Matters
We work closely with the expert teacher Lucie Cheeseman from Maths Matters. She helps to engage our teachers with up-to-date, research based teaching and learning strategies. She works alongside teachers in classrooms, as well as offering school-wide professional development sessions.